Sanjo Kinyori (三条公頼)

Kinyori SANJO (1495 - October 10, 1551) was the head of the Sanjo family during the Sengoku period (period of warring states) (Japan). His children included the wife of Harumoto HOSOKAWA; Sanjo no Kata, who was the legal wife of Shingen TAKEDA; and Nyoshunni, who was an adopted daughter of Sadayori ROKKAKU and also the wife of Kennyo HONGANJI.

The Sanjo family is also as known as the Tenborin Sanjo family. The Sanjo family was one of the Seiga families (highest court noble families in Japan at that time) with FUJIWARA no Saneyuki as an ancestor, who was a descendent of FUJIWARA no Kinsue, the 12th son of FUJIWARA no Morosuke from the Northern House of the Fujiwara clan, and the highest rank Kinyori SANJO attained in his life was Daijo-daijin (Grand minister of state). The family was quite religious and admired the spirit of simplicity and frugality. Just like other court nobles, however, they became heavily impoverished once the period of warring states (Japan) started.

Kinyori was born a son of SANJO no Saneka in 1495. He was appointed to Gon Chunagon (provisional vice-councilor of state) in 1514, Naidaijin (Minister of the Center) in 1541, Udaijin (Minister of the Right) in 1543, and Sadaijin (Minister of the Left) in 1546.

In April, 1536, Kinyori was sent as an imperial messenger to the coming of age ceremony of Harunobu (later to be Shingen), who was a legitimate son of Nobutora TAKEDA, the head of Kai Province. In July of the same year, his second daughter Sanjo no Kata married Harunobu. However, the Sanjo family was still in financial difficulties; therefore, he later arranged for his third daughter Nyoshunni to be adopted by Harumoto HOSOKAWA, who served as Kanrei (a shogunal deputy).

Around September, 1551, he finally left the capital for Suo Province (in Yamaguchi), counting on Yoshitaka OUCHI for support. The Sanjo family and the Ouchi clan knew each other for a long time, and in May, 1479, Kinatsu SANJO, who was the grandfather of Kinyori, had left the capital for Suo Province, counting on the Ouchi family for support. However, on October 10, 1551, Kinyori got involved in the rebellion of Harukata SUE (the Revolt of Daineiji) initiated by vassals of the Ouchi family and was killed.

His grave is at Dainei-ji Temple in Yamaguchi Prefecture.

The Sanjo family line temporarily died off since Kinyori had no sons, but branches of the family, led by Sanenori OGIMACHISANJO (a son of Kine OGIMACHISANJO) and Sanetsuna SANJO (a son of Saneki SANJONISHI), carried on the Sanjo family name.

Chronology of government posts and ranks

Dates follow the lunar calendar.

On March 13, 1510, he was appointed Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) and became a Jiju (Chamberlain). On October 23, he was promoted to Shogoinoge (Senior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) while still serving as a Jiju.

On May 7, 1511, he was promoted to Jushiinoge (Junior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade) while still serving as a Jiju.

On February 23, 1512, he was reappointed to Sakone gon no chujo (Provisional Middle Captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards).
(He was appointed to General without first being appointed to Minor General)
On December 14, he was promoted to Jushiinojo (Junior Fourth Rank, Upper Grade) while still serving as Sakone gon no chujo.

On July 26, 1513, he was promoted to Shoshiinoge (Senior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade) while still serving as Sakone gon no chujo. On November 10, he was reappointed to Ukone no Gon no chujo (Provisional Middle Captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards).
(This reappointment was due to his father Kimiyori SANJO being additionally appointed to Sakone no daisho (Major Captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards))

On January 5, 1514, he was promoted to Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) while still serving as Ukone no Gon no chujo. On July 2, he was reappointed to Gon Chunagon.
(He was reappointed to Gon Chunagon without first being appointed to Sangi (councilor))

On October 28, 1517, he was promoted to Shosanmi (Senior Third Rank) while still serving as Gon Chunagon.

On July 1, 1521, he was reappointed to Gon Dainagon (a provisional chief councilor of state).

On January 5, 1522, he was promoted to Junii (Junior Second Rank) while still serving as Gon Dainagon.

On January 19, 1526, he was promoted to Shonii (Senior Second Rank) while still serving as Gon Dainagon.

On April 3, 1529, he left the capital for Noto Province (military governor of the province: Yoshifusa HATAKEYAMA). On May 25, he returned to the capital.

On December 9, 1533, he was additionally appointed to Betto (Chief Official of the Emperor's Office) for Imperial Prince Michihito (later to become Emperor Ogimachi).

In October, 1534, he left the capital for Suo Province (military governor of the province: Yoshitaka OUCHI). In March, 1536, he left the capital for Kai Province (military governor of the province: Nobutora TAKEDA). On May 29, he returned to the capital.

On January 8, 1538, he was additionally appointed Ukone no daisho (Major Captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards).

On June 20, 1539, he was additionally appointed Sakone no Daisho. He resigned as Ukone no Daisho.

On March 28, 1541, he was reappointed Naidaijin while still serving as Sakone no Daisho.

On June 13, 1542, he resigned as Sakone no Daisho.

On July 28, 1543, he was reappointed Udaijin.

On April 5, 1545, he left the capital for Echizen Province (military governor of the province: Takakage ASAKURA). On June 2, he resigned as Udaijin. On July 9, he returned to the capital.

On January 30, 1546, he was appointed Sadaijin. On March 25, he resigned as Sadaijin.

On January 5, 1547, he was promoted to Juichii (Junior First Rank).

On September 1, 1551 (October 10, 1551 in the modern calendar), he was involved in the Revolt of Daineiji in Suo Province and was killed. He was 54 years old. He had a second name of Goryushoin (後龍翔院) Sadaijin.

[Original Japanese]